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Business Intel

May 2019


It Starts With You

A poll of more than 20,000 employees worldwide that Tony Schwartz, founder and CEO of the Energy Project, a consulting firm, and I conducted in conjunction with Harvard Business Review in fall 2013 found that “respect” was the behavior among leaders that had the biggest effect on a range of outcomes. 

Employees who felt respected by their leaders reported 56 percent better health and well-being, 89 percent greater enjoyment and satisfaction, 92 percent greater focus and prioritization, 26 percent more meaning and significance, and 55 percent more engagement. 

Being treated with respect had a more powerful effect on employees than recognition and appreciation, communicating an inspiring vision, providing useful feedback—and was even more impactful than providing opportunities for learning, growth, and development. Employees desperately want to feel respected and valued by their leaders. When leaders are civil, it increases performance and creativity; allows for early mistake detection and the initiative to take action; and reduces emotional exhaustion. (Read also “Choosing Civility” in the October 2018 issue of Business Officer magazine.) 

There are specific steps chief business officers and others in the business office can take to ensure that civil behaviors in the workplace are the norm:

In just over an hour, employees generated and agreed upon 10 norms, which included the following: (1) We greet and acknowledge each other; (2) we say please and thank you; and (3) we treat each other equally and with respect, no matter the conditions. The firm embraced these norms and bound them into a “civility code,” which it prominently displays in its lobby. 

SUBMITTED BY Christine Porath, associate professor, McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., and author of Mastering Civility: A Manifesto for the Workplace (Grand Central Publishing, 2016).

Global energy demand is expected to increase by 25 percent by 2040.
– World Energy Outlook 2018

Fast Fact

Quick Clicks

Food, Housing Insecurities at CUNY

Forty-eight percent of respondents reported being food insecure within the month prior to taking the #RealCollege survey administered in fall 2018 at all undergraduate campuses in the City University of New York (CUNY) system. The report describes the results from about 22,000 students at 19 CUNY campuses. Fifty-five percent of respondents reported having been housing insecure in the previous year, and 14 percent of respondents had been homeless in the previous year, the report said.

CCD Receives Grant for OER Courses

The Community College of Denver was awarded $20,000 by the Colorado Commission on Higher Education to continue its open educational resources (OER) development efforts. OER are freely accessible, openly licensed text, media, and other digital assets that are useful for teaching, learning, and assessing, as well as for research purposes.

By The Numbers

State Higher Education Spending, FY18 to FY19

Grapevine, a joint data compilation project overseen by the Center for the Study of Education Policy at Illinois State University and the State Higher Education Executive Officers Association, has produced data describing state tax support for higher education every year since FY61. These data include tax funds (state appropriation) and nontax funds (monies from state lotteries and/or tobacco settlements) that support higher education in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

Source: Illinois State University College of Education