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October 2013

Hear Top-Notch Finance Professionals at Endowment and Debt Management Forum 2014

Three well-known finance veterans are among the speakers who will address attendees at NACUBO’s Endowment and Debt Management Forum 2014 to be held February 5–7, at the Waldorf Astoria in New York City.

For more information about the Endowment and Debt Management Forum 2014, visit the Events and Programs section at 

NACUBO Strategic Plan Reviewed

At its July meeting, the NACUBO Board of Directors reviewed plans for operationalizing a newly adopted 2014–16 Long-Range Strategic Plan. The plan is intended to be both a continuation and update of the goals and priority objectives set in the previous plan. It contains several major refinements that reflect changes in the higher education landscape and the need to assist business officers in addressing the challenges arising due to these changes. 

Under the new plan, NACUBO will:

A complete version of the plan is available at the NACUBO website under the About NACUBO tab. 

Take Advantage of Electronic Options

NACUBO has made it easier for you to access useful information digitally. 

In this revised second-edition book, coauthors John R. Curry, Andrew L. Laws, and Jon C. Strauss describe techniques institutions can use to implement responsibility center management. With the right design and active management, RCM can live up to its promises of clarifying roles and responsibilities between local and central units.

 Links to purchase the e-reader and print editions can be found under the Products tab at

The Financial Accounting and Reporting Manual (FARM) contains articles that analyze authoritative guidance issued by both the Governmental Accounting Standards Board and the Financial Accounting Standards Board. Articles are augmented with industry conventions and examples of financial accounting and reporting for colleges and universities.

The Federal Auditing and Information Service (FAIS) incorporates relevant federal regulations, Office of Management and Budget circulars, industry audit guidance, federal audit findings, and practical examples for public and independent colleges and universities subject to federal audit and research requirements.

Both FARM and FAIS are available through your MyNACUBO profile. Benefits include online access, institutionally based price, an annual billing cycle, and monthly updates. 

NACUBO to Cosponsor Compliance Symposium

NACUBO is cosponsoring a symposium and CLE workshop organized by the National Association of College and University Attorneys. The Higher Education Compliance Programs and Obligations Workshop will be held Nov. 6–8, 2013, in Washington, D.C.  

This first-of-its-kind program will feature a symposium where thought leaders—including college presidents, higher education association executives, and legislative policy experts—will talk about the big picture of compliance. 

The two-day program will also feature workshop sessions and discussion groups. For more details, visit

Professional Development
